Back in the Cone Again
Dear Diary,
Here I am, back in the cone. This time more than ever. Apparently, I have a cyst on the webbing between my toes. Two weeks ago the doctor cut it out. It was a really bad hurt. And the stitches really bug me. I tried to tell Mom that if I were to lick them with a special snorting/licking sound, then it will heal better. She put the cone on me. I have had the cone on for almost a whole week! I still managed to play with Bug.
I've gotten pretty good at taking my family out at the knees with the sharp plastic edges. Karma. Definitely Karma.
And it provides a nice catch for my food.
Today I am supposed to get my stitches taken out, but they are broken, so I am not sure if they will let me take off the cone yet.
Freedom starts tonight! Stupid cone. Stupid feet.
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