Day 2 of the Humidity Tour (July 4, 2018): Kansas

My Kansas has a first name. It’s F-L-A-T-T. 

My Kansas has a second name. It’s H-U-M-I-D. 

I got a little bored in the truck yesterday, but then we had to get out at the campsite. Holy humidity, Batman! I was so hot I didn’t even bother to try to trip anyone with my steel cable tether (totally not necessary, by the way, mother!). 

It was much nicer at 2:15 a.m. when I got Mom up to take me outside. We walked around the campground, looked at the stars and the swimming pool and did "our business".  At 3:00 a.m. when Echo got Mom up there was even a breeze. And, this is a cool story, an alien spacecraft landed and aliens got out and I barked at them and I think the young male one peed his pants! It was awesome. Them I went back inside where it was cool and they parked their spaceship next to ours. Their security alarm went off once about 4:00 a.m. That made Mom cuss and I laughed. It’s nice in the air conditioning. 

We’re back in the truck now heading for a Little Rock.  We see lots of big rocks at home so I’m not sure what’s so good about little rocks but i let you know what I learn. More later, it’s time for a nap. 




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