Day 3 of the Humidity Tour (July 5, 2018): Arkansas
Dear Diary,
My Arkansas has a first name. It’s H-O-T-T-E. My Arkansas has a second name. It’s G-R-E-E-N.
Yesterday was super boring. Only fit for snoring. We just drove and peed and drive some more. Dad did buy a fun hat.
Arkansas is nice! I like the green and there are lots of new plants here. It isn’t nearly as wet here so i get my truck window open sometimes.
I found a new bug here too. Mom called it a Japanese beatle. We played a fun game where Mom flicked them off the door screen and I caught them in my mouth. They tickled at first but had a nice crunch and a sweet piquant flavor.
This morning I rediscovered my love of sitting on picnic tables. I also made friends with a skinny black dog, two yellow dogs and plump, happy chap from California. He let me hang out with him while he was breaking camp. I have this fun thing where I take my steel cable and wrap it around people and furniture. It’s awesome!
I’m pretty proud to have peed in 6 states already (Co, NM, TX, KS, OK, AR, MS) and I’m only a year old. Mom says that’s some kind of record and Dad says he’s proud of me and if I learn to lift my leg he’ll show me how to write my name! I’ll peg a bunch more on this trip!
The people here are very friendly. It seems they like boiled peanuts. They give them as treats. A little bland, but Mom told me to be polite so I ate them. :)
I’m sorry if there are typing errors. I’ve only got Mom’s puny little phone to write on and it’s bumpy in the truck. Thumbs would be cool.
More tomorrow!
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