Days 7,8,9 of the Humidity Tour 2018 (July 9, 10, 11, 2018)
Dear Diary,
I still don't understand why this is called Dauphin Beach - we didn't see any Dauphins. I hear you can ride them and pet them. We saw lots of fish, but not dauphins. This was an amazing day!
Sorry, it has taken me three days to write. I had such an amazing day on the 9th that I was in recovery on the 10th and 11th. The good news is that my back leg is much better now so I can write.
Monday, July 9th -- Dauphin Beach
First off, Dad gave me a new backpack so I got to carry all my toys and water and snacks. I felt so grown up and important. Unfortunately, it was, like, 100 miles from our campsite to the beach [Mom says it was probably .5 mile but it seemed a lot longer in the sun, on hot sand and carrying this darn pack!]. Still, I stopped traffic. I am so unbelievably cute -- everyone laughed. I'm not sure why Echo doesn't have to carry anything, but it was easy for me 'cuz I'm a big boy. I know this because two guys in a giant, loud truck yelled this at me when they drove by "He's a big boy!" So, I know I am a big boy. One lady asked my Dad if I have a Thyroid condition. I don't know what that means, but I sensed from Dad that this wasn't a compliment. Anyway, almost everyone loves me.
We found this great spot on the beach. Mom found this great inlet so we could stay in calm waters or go to the more wavy parts. We spent the whole day at the beach. It was so much fun. Mom hung out with us in the calm pool and Dad would go into the waves with us. I played and played! I made SO MANY friends. More friends than I can count on my toes.
Mom made me wear a life jacket, but it matched the umbrella, and, again, that is the height of beach fashion. It was pretty nice, though, if I am honest, because I like to swim, but I am a BIG BOY, so I get kind of tired of swimming after about 3 minutes. It is nice to not drown. And mom got this great picture of me and Daddy. I think it is my favorite so far.
After a while, I went to lay under the umbrella - it got really hot. Then Dad made me wear a swim shirt. I felt so stupid. I mean I looked buff and everything - very Point Break - but the sleeves were too long so when I tried to walk I just flapped along like a seal. I finally convinced him to let me take it off. I'm too sexy for my shirt.
I am not entirely sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way, I made friend with some very cute girls. I think I am going to be on their facebook page. I could be famous. I mean, I am already famous on Mom's facebook book and in the blogosphere, but now I could really be something special.
Finally, we had the walk home. I found a nice family with a shady tent, so I went in there. Mom had to drag me out. Then Echo went into the water and fell down so Mom had to put everything down and help her. So I went looking for shade. Once she had my leash in hand and all the gear piled on her shoulders, Echo decided to poop. Echo poops funny -- she walks and poops, dropping what mom calls "Echo nuggets" for 10-12 feet. I thought Mom was going to lose it. So she put everything down, dug out a bag, picked up the nuggets and drug me and Echo and all the gear to a trash can. Then we started the trek back to the truck. I was so tired and I hurt my leg somehow so I could barely walk. Echo was really tired from swimming -- it was her first time every swimming voluntarily. AND we had to walk the 137 miles back, in the sun, uphill! Mom and Dad carried everything this time, though. Actually, Daddy ended up carrying everything because Mom had to take care of Echo. No one carried me because I am A BIG BOY. It took hours [Mom note: 20 minutes] to walk back to the truck. Everyone was really hot and cranky. I felt terrible. Echo was exhausted and Mom and Dad were really stinky. It was the best day ever. Still didn't see any dauphins.
That night I was so uncomfortable. I had drunk that bad water and my leg really hurt. I decided I had a good excuse for sleeping on Echo's comfy bed because I couldn't get up on the couch. She was upset but so tired, she just laid down on the bed with me! I loved it. She is never snuggly. I slept really well. I wish she'd do that every night. She even laid with me in the truck. She usually yells at me when I get close to her, sometimes just when I look at her. So this was a really special time.
Tuesday, July 10th - travel day. This was me. Mom said I missed some beautiful ocean views, but I thought it was important to rest.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 Panama City Beach, Florida
OMG! It is so hot. I am not leaving the camper. I need to rest my leg. I am almost better. Mom and Dad spent most of the day across the street at the beach. Mom came and checked on us and we were just sleeping. I am not sure what she thought we would be doing -- camper party? We did have the awesome local country music station playing and a cooler full of sodas. Time to get crazy! Are you kidding? It was too hot and I was still too tired! I am back to 95% and Echo is happiest she has been my whole life. I think she likes all the walks and swimming. She's all smiles. She's stopped sharing her bed, though. I knew that wouldn't last.
We are both getting pretty good at using the doggy ramp into the camper and truck. Though don't tell Mom, but I know if I just stand there looking pathetic, she will help me. I only fall off the ramp a few times a day now. Echo is a pro at going down the ramp. She makes me look stupid. But I have a hurt leg. I'll master it. Tonight we went for ice cream and walks once on the sun went away. Now it is almost bedtime again.
I think tomorrow morning we might be going to the dog beach here in Panama City in the morning. I must remember not to drink the strange water. Then we are off to some other place. I like this traveling stuff. This dog house on wheels is awesome.
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