The Humidity Tour the rest (July 23, 2018)
Days 10-21 of the Humidity Tour 2018 (July 12-23 2018)
Day 10 (Thursday, July 12, 2018) Panama City Florida to Perry, Florida
Dear Diary,
I am not sure why we came to this place. I do like the campground – there is lots of space and the other campers are from a place called Italy. They smell like garlic and drive this tiny little camper. We went for a drive and explored the marshes and little neighborhoods. Most of the houses here look sad. We went to a little village and I really wanted to jump in and muck around with the scallops and shrimps, but Mom said I would have to sleep outside, so I didn’t. There was a fun little rock island with pretty birds. I barked and chased them, but they weren’t afraid of me. They were so lucky that I was on a leash! Mom and Dad played with these loud wooden blocks.
I had fun knocking them over. I wanted to taste one, but Mom said I couldn’t. It was pretty boring, really.
Day 11 (Friday, July 13, 2018) Charleston, SC
Dear Diary,
We ride in the truck a lot. Here’s me being super bored in the truck today.
Mom says we are going to see my sister, Lauren, today and we get to stay in a hotel. I don’t care about hotels. Or do I?
We finally got to Charleston and we went to visit Lauren. I liked her apartment – she has lots of cool toys laying around. I even made friends with her cat, D.B. I was really tired, though, so I
took a nap.
Echo has been in such a good mood on this trip! I think she likes to travel. She loves the beach and lakes and rivers and all kinds of water. She is a better truck traveler than I am – she doesn’t get so bored. She just sleeps. Lucky.
I think tomorrow is a beach day!
Day 12 (Saturday, July 14, 2018) Charleston, SC
Dear Diary,
Today was AWESOME! First, I got my own bed at the hotel and I got to watch NASCAR during breakfast. Plus everyone we met thought I was cute and wanted to pet me. We went to this beach called Isle of Palms with Lauren. It was a pretty beach and the sand was easy to walk on. It wasn’t nearly as hard to get to the beach as it was in Alabama. I liked that. We had a great set up and I could go in the water or take a nap or play with my frisbee all I wanted. We played and played! Finally, I got pretty tired and Echo took the shade, so I just feel asleep on the blanket. Mommy takes good care of me. Daddy gave me his hat and Mom covered me up so I wouldn’t get sun-burned. With the breeze and the birds … it was such a great nap. My mommy loves me.
After beach Echo and I were so tired, we stayed home while Mom and Dad and Lauren went out for dinner and a boat tour. They left Talladega Nights playing on the TV and lots of toys and treats for us. We had a very relaxing night! I could get used to this.
Love, Hank
Day 13 (Sunday, July 15, 2018) Charleston, SC
Dear Diary,
We felt so much better today, still tired, though. Mom stayed home with us today and we did laundry, took walks, ate snacks and napped while Mom worked. We watched, like, 4 Harry Potter movies. I know Mom likes them. I wish there were more animals. There’s the one with the orange cat, black dog and rat, but other than that, there isn’t much for me to watch.
It has been nice to relax here. We go out to the truck and camper a lot to get stuff, then take another nap. We don’t get to take many drives, but it gives me time for my legs to heal. The sand and salt water kinda give me sore spots. Today was more like a day at home. I almost forget what home means. Home is where Mommy is.
Love, Hank
Day 14 (Monday, July 16, 2018) Charleston, SC to Ft. McAllister, GA
Dear Diary,
After lunch with Lauren, we went started to drive to Georgia. There isn’t much to see on the way to Georgia , so we started playing the “License Plate Game.” That was fun. I would watch out the window and bark when I see one we don’t have. I did pretty darn good considering that I cannot read.
When we reached Fort McAllister in Georgia, I got to see deer, and giant flies and lots of swamps. Echo plunged right into the marsh. Boy did she get in trouble! I was really hoping I’d get to see an alligator – there were lots of signs about alligators – but I didn’t see any. I even made Daddy get up and take me out to pee in the middle of the night, hoping there would be an alligator outside. But no luck!
I also saw Flamingos and we went to a fun marina for dinner. I like watching boats. I haven’t been on a boat yet.
Beach tomorrow! Love, Hank
Day 15 (Tuesday, July 17, 2018) Jekyl Island, GA
Dear Diary,
Today we drove from Savannah to Jekyl Island. We stopped at the Peach World!
Mom was so excited. We just stayed in the truck but I really want to find out what Peach World is. Do they have rides? Beaches? Giant peaches? Curious… And what, exactly, are boiled peanuts?
Georgia was a lot of fun… biting flies, fleas, ticks, mosquitos and giant spiders! I went way into the jungle to poop. Mom was picking ticks off me the whole rest of the trip. It was awesome!
Beach day tomorrow (to rainy and late today so I just chased bugs and made friends with the kids in the campground).
Love, Hank
Day 16 (Wednesday, July 18, 2018) Jekyl Island, GA
Dear Diary,
Beach day! We started the day with this amazing camp by the rocks. We didn’t have to walk far to the water and there were crabs to chase. Echo and I played in the water until all of a sudden, though, the water was covering our camp and I didn’t have anywhere to lay down. I went exploring instead.
We moved to a new beach and spent hours there in the water and taking naps. I chased sandpipers and seagulls. Then I tried to go poop in the grass behind the beach and I got all kinds of pokey spikes in my feet! I cried and mommy came to help me and she got them too! That kinda ruined the day. We left after that.
When Mom and Dad when to dinner, I took a nap. When Dad got home he laughed and we played “Where’s Waldo?” because he couldn’t find me! It was so fun.
Day 17 (Thursday, July 19, 2018) Jekyl Island to Eufaula, AL
Dear Diary,
BORING! We just drove today. We did get 10 more licenses plates, though!
Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting.
Love, Hank
Day 18 (Friday, July 20, 2018) Eufaula, AL to Lake Lurleen, AL
Dear Diary,
Today was more fun! We got to see a bunch of cool old town and walk in new parks. This one town in Alabama had the best plants to lay in.
I didn’t want to get up! It was pretty and comfortable. I even met a cute little girl here. Not sure why we keep finding these cool places and then leaving. I just go where Mommy goes.
Tonight we stopped at this really nice park with a cool lake with fish in it. Daddy took me to the lake and I got to play in the water. They also had these bugs that lit up at night. I watched those for hours. I wish my butt lit up. That’d be wicked. Mommy and Daddy even got to have a campfire, which we haven’t been able to do this whole trip. We all slept really well that night. Love, Hank
Day 19 (Saturday, July 21, 2018) Lake Lurleen, AL to Little White River, AR - Day 20 (Sunday, July 22, 2018) Little White River to Wichita, KS - Day 21 (Monday, July 23, 2018) Home
Dear Diary,
I think we are going home now. We are staying in boring places and driving a lot. I guess I am ready to go home. I even offered to drive today. I guess I am happy to go home – I miss my doggy door and I am worried about my spots at the pond, which I have marked and have probably been taken over since we are gone. And I think the squirrels will have come back into the yard – Echo will be so angry! Still, I have had such a fun time. I hope we can do this again.
Love, Hank
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