Recovery Period
Dear Diary,
I know it has been a really long time since I wrote. We got home from our adventure and I started to feel real bad. At first we thought it was because I played with the ticks in Georgia - Mom found a huge green one hanging off my butt! -- but Mom had me tested and it isn't that. I wanted to keep him and name him for my sister Claire, but Mom said that was gross. I didn't even know it was there! But once it fell off, it left a bite that kinda hurt. Right on my tuchus!

I've been SOOOOO tired. Sometimes I will just fall asleep anywhere. Mom got worried so we went to the place with all the happy people and sad animals.
And, get this, when Mom took me to the vet, all she said was that I was FAT. I tried to tell her, I am just big-boned, but she wasn't listening. She said that is why my legs hurt so bad and I cannot walk very far. I don't think that's fair. I wasn't FAT the last time she saw me. She'd be FAT too if she couldn't walk. Now I am on all kinds of medication AND I don't get enough food or treats. Does this look FAT to you? I'm svelte and stylish! Stupid Doctor.
I finished my medicine but I don't feel much better. My hips have started popping and Mommy is really nervous. It feels funny too. Echo keeps telling me that "now I know how she feels" blah, blah, blah. Old people are so lame. The best part, though, is that Mommy helps me up the steps, onto the bed and into the car. If it didn't hurt it would be, like, the dream life.
So, as you can see, it has been a pretty rough couple of weeks. There were a couple of high points. I was so sad and needy that Dad let me go in the truck with them. We were in the truck f-o-r-e-v-e-r. But the sunshine was nice. There were lots of cool smells and some great mud. Daddy put me in the truck for some really loud booms, but otherwise I just sat out there with them. I love my Daddy.
I know it has been a really long time since I wrote. We got home from our adventure and I started to feel real bad. At first we thought it was because I played with the ticks in Georgia - Mom found a huge green one hanging off my butt! -- but Mom had me tested and it isn't that. I wanted to keep him and name him for my sister Claire, but Mom said that was gross. I didn't even know it was there! But once it fell off, it left a bite that kinda hurt. Right on my tuchus!

I've been SOOOOO tired. Sometimes I will just fall asleep anywhere. Mom got worried so we went to the place with all the happy people and sad animals.
And, get this, when Mom took me to the vet, all she said was that I was FAT. I tried to tell her, I am just big-boned, but she wasn't listening. She said that is why my legs hurt so bad and I cannot walk very far. I don't think that's fair. I wasn't FAT the last time she saw me. She'd be FAT too if she couldn't walk. Now I am on all kinds of medication AND I don't get enough food or treats. Does this look FAT to you? I'm svelte and stylish! Stupid Doctor.
I finished my medicine but I don't feel much better. My hips have started popping and Mommy is really nervous. It feels funny too. Echo keeps telling me that "now I know how she feels" blah, blah, blah. Old people are so lame. The best part, though, is that Mommy helps me up the steps, onto the bed and into the car. If it didn't hurt it would be, like, the dream life.
So, as you can see, it has been a pretty rough couple of weeks. There were a couple of high points. I was so sad and needy that Dad let me go in the truck with them. We were in the truck f-o-r-e-v-e-r. But the sunshine was nice. There were lots of cool smells and some great mud. Daddy put me in the truck for some really loud booms, but otherwise I just sat out there with them. I love my Daddy.
The other super awesome thing was that my friend, Brooklyn, who is about my age, came over and played with me in the yard. Sometimes we run around but I am so tired that she just laid with me in the yard. It was the best day. Mom says she is rambunctious, but I think she's a lot of fun. Here we are playing in the yard.
Well, that's about it for now. Mommy is out of town and Dad only let's me on the computer for a little while. I'll keep you posted on how I feel.
Love, Hank
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