Feather Bed

Dear Diary,

I’ve had a wonderful Christmas with my family and friends. I am so grateful for everything my Mommy and Daddy give me.  I kept wishing I knew how to thank them and today I got inspired! So when Mommy left for work I ran right down stairs and got busy. I asked Echo if she wanted to join in and she told me it was a terrible idea. But I wanted to make Mommy proud and happy and to know how much I love her. 

What did I do? I made them a fancy feather bed! And I had so much fun I’d do it all over again. 

Mom was so surprised she just burst out laughing and told me she’d always wanted a feather bed. Then she told Daddy "go see what your son made for us today."  He thought I’d pooped like Echo did. Boy was he surprised! When we went to bed they snuggled down underneath and I snuggled in on top. And Echo didn’t get any of the credit! It was all me. 

It was a great day. 




  1. Oh, my, goodness! Hank you never cease to amaze us! Such a loving, thoughtful, present you left for your family! I can tell that you worked really hard and that your whole heart was into it! Bless you my four-legged, big bundle of love and slobber!!


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