I’m a helpful dog!

Dear Diary,

I love my Mom and Dad so I try to be really helpful.  Here are some examples...

I play with Echo every day to help her feel young and fiesty.

I help Mommy fold the laundry. 

I pre-heat the bed every evening. 

I model Mommy's new fashions.

I clean the snow out of our neighbor's yards!

I feed myself with the squash from the garden when Mommy works late. 

I help pick up Echo's piddle pads every morning.

On our daily car rides, I work hard to make other drivers smile. I'm really good at this. 

Sometimes I eat all the leftovers and help wash the dishes.  I also fumigate the house every day to keep unwanted bugs, pests and humans away.  Depending on what I find to eat that day, I can be very good at this. 

That's how much I love my family.

Love, Hank


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