The Great White North
Dear Diary,
We had a cold day off school today so Mom suggested I use the time wisely (rather than "rotting your brain with video games all day). In my defense, I did also take a hardy nap. But then, I thought you might like to hear about my adventure with Mom last week in the great white north (Empire, Co).
So, last week I knocked Echo down, like, three times, and the third time she got stuck on her back like a turtle. It was hilarious, but Mom and Dad got really mad at me. Like I am supposed to know how fragile she is! Anyway, so on Thursday she was kind of hurt, so she said she did not want to go on our snow adventure with me and Mom. I was a little sad, because I know how much she loves the snow and hiking, but then also pretty happy cuz it would be just me and Mom. And since I was really little last winter and then had all these knee problems in the fall and winter so far, this is my first time out in real deep snow.
Mom packed me treats, water, blankets, my jacket and my leash and she brought these weird giant flat slipper things and two poles and about 112 layers of clothes for herself. Humans are just weird.
Then we got to take a CAR RIDE, so I didn't care where we were going. Except the car ride was kind of long and I really had to pee by the time we stopped. When I got out of the car, everything was wide open and white. Mom took, like, 3 hours to put on those silly slippers and she wore this big red bag on her back. I didn't even have to wear my jacket because it was so warm. I would have carried some of my stuff in my backpack, but I didn't mention this to Mom and she didn't think to bring it. ;-)
We hiked for about 45 minutes in the snow. I was kind of afraid to go off the trail because Mom kept saying how deep it was. It was just nice to get out and run and roll in the snow and act like a little kid again (this pre-teen thing is really stressful). Mom stopped a lot. I think because her slippers were so big.
After a while I was getting kind of bored just walking up hill so I started get a little braver about the deep snow. Then this guy with these really long sticks on his feet came by so Mom said we could step off the path. Yippee! I ran for it. Before I knew it I was up to my shoulders in snow. It was getting a little hard to move when I noticed that there was this open space by the tree, so I went towards that.
Unfortunately, not knowing much about snow, and not bothering to listen to Mom, who was telling me not to go so far in, I ended up in a hollow about 3 feet deep. If you don't know, I am about 2.5' tall. So I started barking to let Mom know where I was and that if she could come help me, that'd be awesome. When I saw that it was hard for her to walk in the deep snow, even with her big slippers I started to panic a little. I tried to get out of my hollow but I was getting tired and all I did was pull snow down around me.
When Mom finally got to me, I could tell that she was a little panicked too. She had to hold onto the tree to stay on top of the snow and her slippers kept getting caught in the big drifts. She tried to use her poles but the snow was too deep. She finally got to me and boosted me up out of the hollow and I moved a few feet forward, but she and I had made too deep of a path and I couldn't climb it - plus I was really cold and my legs were getting tired. She followed me, but it was hard for her too. She pushed me a few more times and I was finally on solid snow. I was so relieved! She threw her poles and I chased them up to the path. But then she wasn't coming, so I ran back down to her. She kept telling me to stay, but I was so relieved I just ran back to the deep part. I think she was a little scared for me to get stuck again and just a wee bit frustrated that I wouldn't stay up on the trail. She made it a few feet further and I decided to help her. So I grabbed her mitten and tried to pull her up out of the snow. I actually just pulled her mitten off and she fell backwards into the snow, but I really was trying. Then I saw that she really didn't want my help, and I really like mittens, so I took the mitten up to the trail for her. She was mumbling something about her hand freezing off, but I think I actually motivated her because all of a sudden she was on the firm snow and coming up the path.
I was so excited that we were safe that I took off down the trail. She looked really tired, so I carried her mitten and poles for her. We've been working on "carry" and I think I was pretty darn good at it!
We had a cold day off school today so Mom suggested I use the time wisely (rather than "rotting your brain with video games all day). In my defense, I did also take a hardy nap. But then, I thought you might like to hear about my adventure with Mom last week in the great white north (Empire, Co).
So, last week I knocked Echo down, like, three times, and the third time she got stuck on her back like a turtle. It was hilarious, but Mom and Dad got really mad at me. Like I am supposed to know how fragile she is! Anyway, so on Thursday she was kind of hurt, so she said she did not want to go on our snow adventure with me and Mom. I was a little sad, because I know how much she loves the snow and hiking, but then also pretty happy cuz it would be just me and Mom. And since I was really little last winter and then had all these knee problems in the fall and winter so far, this is my first time out in real deep snow.
Then we got to take a CAR RIDE, so I didn't care where we were going. Except the car ride was kind of long and I really had to pee by the time we stopped. When I got out of the car, everything was wide open and white. Mom took, like, 3 hours to put on those silly slippers and she wore this big red bag on her back. I didn't even have to wear my jacket because it was so warm. I would have carried some of my stuff in my backpack, but I didn't mention this to Mom and she didn't think to bring it. ;-)
We hiked for about 45 minutes in the snow. I was kind of afraid to go off the trail because Mom kept saying how deep it was. It was just nice to get out and run and roll in the snow and act like a little kid again (this pre-teen thing is really stressful). Mom stopped a lot. I think because her slippers were so big.
After a while I was getting kind of bored just walking up hill so I started get a little braver about the deep snow. Then this guy with these really long sticks on his feet came by so Mom said we could step off the path. Yippee! I ran for it. Before I knew it I was up to my shoulders in snow. It was getting a little hard to move when I noticed that there was this open space by the tree, so I went towards that.
Unfortunately, not knowing much about snow, and not bothering to listen to Mom, who was telling me not to go so far in, I ended up in a hollow about 3 feet deep. If you don't know, I am about 2.5' tall. So I started barking to let Mom know where I was and that if she could come help me, that'd be awesome. When I saw that it was hard for her to walk in the deep snow, even with her big slippers I started to panic a little. I tried to get out of my hollow but I was getting tired and all I did was pull snow down around me.
When Mom finally got to me, I could tell that she was a little panicked too. She had to hold onto the tree to stay on top of the snow and her slippers kept getting caught in the big drifts. She tried to use her poles but the snow was too deep. She finally got to me and boosted me up out of the hollow and I moved a few feet forward, but she and I had made too deep of a path and I couldn't climb it - plus I was really cold and my legs were getting tired. She followed me, but it was hard for her too. She pushed me a few more times and I was finally on solid snow. I was so relieved! She threw her poles and I chased them up to the path. But then she wasn't coming, so I ran back down to her. She kept telling me to stay, but I was so relieved I just ran back to the deep part. I think she was a little scared for me to get stuck again and just a wee bit frustrated that I wouldn't stay up on the trail. She made it a few feet further and I decided to help her. So I grabbed her mitten and tried to pull her up out of the snow. I actually just pulled her mitten off and she fell backwards into the snow, but I really was trying. Then I saw that she really didn't want my help, and I really like mittens, so I took the mitten up to the trail for her. She was mumbling something about her hand freezing off, but I think I actually motivated her because all of a sudden she was on the firm snow and coming up the path.
I was so excited that we were safe that I took off down the trail. She looked really tired, so I carried her mitten and poles for her. We've been working on "carry" and I think I was pretty darn good at it!
On the way to the car, I made friends with a bunch of old people. They were very nice and we played this fun game where they peed in the trees and then I went to find it and peed there too! They thought I was pretty funny. It took about 1/3 of the time to get down as it did to get up. Running down hill was maybe my favorite part. All my bits worked properly and I did not hurt at all. That was probably my second favorite part. Then the peeing, then the snow hole.
Well, I guess that's it for the story. It was a pretty awesome day.
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