Puppy Love
Dear Diary,
I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! I love my mom and my sister and my dad, but today I met the most beautiful girl in the world! Her name is Mia. She is a tiny bully dog, about a third my size. She blue and white and SPUNKY! Let me tell you how I met her.
So mom and I went for our usual walk this afternoon, you know, nothing special. About half way down the block my human friend, Anthony, came out of his house and I got pretty excited. He's my age and pretty awesome for a human boy. So he was petting me and I was trying to get his sandwich. Then his Dad came out and talked to my mom about me.
THEN, he went inside and came out with Mia on a leash. I think my heart stopped. I was immediately smitten. She has these soulful eyes and this cute little butt.
We took off our leashes and ran around the yard for 30 minutes while the sun set behind the house. She is tough and sweet. She has one half colored face like me. This isn't a picture of her, because my mom was careless and didn't bring her phone with us on our walk. But this is a less wonderful picture of a dog that looks like my lovely Mia (just picture half her face is blue)! I can't wait to walk tomorrow!
Love, Hank
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