Dog Resolutions

Dear Diary, 

My mom says that humans make resolutions because they want to make themselves better.  I told my mom that she was already perfect and she gave me a hug and a cookie.  But even then, I meant it.  Still,  I thought, well, if my perfect Mom wants to make resolutions, then maybe I will too.  So, here are my 2020 New Year Dog Resolutions.  

1) Take a walk with my Mom every day.

2) Eat only the human food that is dropped on the floor or handed to me directly.  I will work really hard to not use my adorable facial expressions or puppy dog eyes to lure my Dad into giving me his food from his plate. 
3) I will not chew Mommy's slippers.*

If I do these things, I will be a better dog (but I am almost practically perfect anyway).  

Love, Hank

* I reserve the right to sleep on and possibly chew on Mom's slippers if she is out of town for more than three consecutive nights.  


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